Friday, February 21, 2014

Governments, Enterprise, Levels of Work and Global Issues

I thought I would publish this - it is from a conversation that took place on the Global Organisation Linkedin page. Bill Williams started a thread.  The topic was wide ranging but was about whether governments should play a larger role in regulatory practices.  The discussion went to what level of work is required by a government and Level VII was discussed.  Bill was arguing for a far more liberal interpretation of Jaques work - rather then a reductionist view - he said "Organisations are decision making systems. All managers need the authority and trust to make many decisions which cannot be anticipated or summarised into some kind of lean manufacturing inspired process manual"-

Level VII is not sufficient to address issues of global markets, poverty, resource and energy management, human rights, sustainability of the species, global peace, food security are not Level VII issues.  Work is about achieving goal directed outcomes in an accountable hierarchy. While Level VII enterprises should be concerned at ensuring many of these global issues are addressed, they are not. They are tasked by their owners to make a profit.  Here the problem lies.  BP is an example. The banking system is another...

Governments are not held accountable for solving these issues either- they are elected and struggle to set policies at the right level of work to be carried out by their public service within their own borders.  Foreign policy is not much more effective when done serving national interest and positions on big issue can be reversed by a newly elected politician at the next sitting. 
Governments are not accountable hierarchies.  The public service is, but few work in more then a Level VII space (US four stars general are classified Level VII execs, the CEOs of international orgs are also classified thus; Australian Gov. Dept Secretaries are VI). Bill also talked about how the Australian government meddles and plays in Level III and wastes money without acting at the right level....

But to go back to work complexity and levels of work - this means accountability for addressing  problems with time spans of greater then 25 years and more like 50+ lie with not for profit global focused organisations like the UN, International Courts of Justice, ILO, WHO, Red Cross, Green Peace etc.  And the problem here is this is accountability but no authority as no national state would give up its sovereignty at this stage for the common good.

Thus Level VIII complexity may be about a fractal of Work Level VI, but it is not in place yet.. it is emergent and for that we need a level of work beyond corporations. It may be that it would emerge fully in NGOs and global forums led by CEO's/ Chairs operating at Level n+1 in the next decade or two.  So I don't think Level VII corporations will play much more then at best an influencing role in this matter as I don't think politicians will either.  The truth of the matter is that we have some wicked problems that requires thinking and acting at a whole new level of work that is not around at the moment in our current models.

Andrew Olivier